Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

How to Make a Crunchy Claw Chicken Chips

Chicken claw section is already common to the menu complement in some dishes such as soup, stews, and meatballs. However, at this time many entrepreneurs make a crispy claw chips so snack-shaped chips. Price chips crispy claw chips high enough because a lot of raw materials claws needed. Therefore to process chicken claws so chips, we must pay attention to many things ie materials, tools, and stages of the process make it.

Chicken claw chips include snacks that have crisp, savory, and durable characters. Raw material crispy claw chips is the meat and skin that is on the foot section. How to make crispy claw chips is not difficult. Beginning by separating bone claw & skin this is the earliest process. Then dipresto so that the material together and more soft. crispy claw chips is soaked in lime water for 10 minutes to get rid of mucus.

How to make crispy crispy claw chips, tasty, and tasty. Late this is indeed often we encounter chicken feet or commonly called a crispy claw chips can be processed into a variety of delicious cuisine, now also can be processed into snack chips loh. crispy claw chips has become a snack or a snack that is not foreign ears indonesia Indonesia. Although classified as food or snack chips that can be practically expensive that is 150ribu / kg, the deliciousness and delicacy of these crispy claw chips makes a lot of people or fans of crispy chips stop to consume these chips. For those of you who love these clever chips and want to try to make them yourself at home. Here we share the recipe how to make crispy claw chips are tasty and crunchy.

Materials needed:

1. 1 kg chicken feet or claw
2. 5 cloves of garlic
3. 2 onion cloves
4. Salt to taste
5. Flavor taste sufficiently
6. Cooking oil to taste
7. Water enough

How to make crispy claw chips:

1. Clean the chicken crispy claw chips  first, cut also all the nails.
2. After that finely mashed the ingredients such as garlic, onion, flavor, salt, and also add water.
3. Then the crispy claw chips is inserted into the spice that has been mashed earlier. Stir little so that the marinade seeps.
4. Then boiled crispy claw chips until soft and ripe or about 20 minutes. Lift and drain the water.
5. Wait a minute until the cold check, then split the palm to separate the meat from the bone.
6. Next step, dry thoroughly to dry completely by drying it under the hot sun.
7. If the crispy claw chips had been dry, heat the cooking oil, and fry the crispy claw chips until cooked, crisp and also crunchy.
8. Chips crispy claw are ready to be shared or stored in a jar.

The recipe can be a very profitable opportunity if we are good at promotion, if you are interested in starting this home business then we will provide info about business opportunities Home Ceker Chips and other snacks you can click HERE

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