Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Benefits of Chicken Spinach Consumption for the Health of Human Body

Of course everyone knows who chicken claw who does not know the chicken body part of this one, chicken claw. Indonesian people must be familiar with this soft textured tasty food. There is a myth that states that babies who consume chicken chicken claw rice will be easier to practice walking and also make the baby's legs become strong and sturdy. Here we review what are the nutrient content contained in chicken legs that are beneficial to health? In chicken feet there are skin, muscles, bones and collagen. Collagen is a yellowish connective tissue protein that when exposed to heat will melt and thicken. One of them is collagen in the chicken leg that serves not only but there are other important things that is for the growth of children but also able as a drug rheumatic diseases.

Substances contained in chicken claw :

1. Amino acids
It is the main ingredient of chicken claw. Amino acids contained in chicken claw include the following: glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, agrinin and lysine. These amino acids serve to form new cells, repair tissues, form antibodies or endurance, and harmonize enzymes and hormones.

2. Collagen
This substance is a protein that is useful to the body in a tough, yellowish, toothy connective tissue. If the chicken claw is exposed to little temperature and hot conditions, such as cooking, collagen will melt into a slightly thick liquid like glue. Collagen has antigen that is immunogenic and good for rheumatic patients. Collagen is also proven efficacious for wound healing, stomach health and the growth of nails, hair, and beauty of our skin.

3. Calcium
Calcium is a lot of fun for the body. Among the many benefits is to prevent heart disease, blood circulation, as tooth mineralization, flexing muscles, overcoming cramps, low back pain and minimize osteoporosis in pregnant and menopausal women

4. Cartilage
We call it cartilage content in chicken claws functioning similar to those found in shark fin. This causes and is very helpful in coating the joints and is strongly believed that experts can improve the immune system and prevent can also prevent cancer

5. Hydroxyapatite
Not many know this substance which is also one of the natural minerals that make up the main components of our bones and teeth.

6. Glucosamine and chondroitin
Two compounds are efficacious as a natural anti-inflammatory that can relieve symptoms of arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Similarly review about the Benefits and substances contained in the Body Health checkers for this article. If you are interested to start this home business then we will provide info about business opportunities Home Ceker Chips and other snacks you can click HERE

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